Friday, January 5, 2007

Just imagine.

I check out a blog by Barbara Nicolosi every so often to see what insights she has into entertainment and spirituality. I listened to a podcast (The Artist and the Sacraments) of a talk she gave to some fellow Catholics about how to meld their faith into their work – which in this case happens to be Hollywood. This may sound oxymoronic but it is not and listening to her, reading her, helps me understand this better. You need to check it out for yourself – don’t take my word for it. In this podcast (available here) she encourages everyone to go to daily mass. I’m talking 6 a.m. daily mass. I don’t care who you are and what you believe but getting up and going to church or mass at 6 a.m. requires some sort of major commitment. But that isn’t the only thing that struck me about her comments. She further suggests that folks arrive early so they can meditate on the scriptures of the day. I didn’t even know there was such a coordinated thing. She speaks of the power of 1 billion Catholics all meditating on the same scripture around the world at the same time. The sheer magnitude and potential of that really hit me! Can you imagine the unity of believers if we all just spent a little time each day focusing on the same scripture? Forget whether we are Catholic, evangelical, Baptist – if we could just find some to agree on (not those pesky ones that everyone argues about all the time); some simple ones like “Love thy neighbor” and “turn the other cheek”. If one billion Catholics could do this, imagine if all the Baptists and the Methodists and the Church of Christ and all the rest were doing the same thing every day?

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