Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Has 24 Jumped the Shark yet?

I love this program most of the time. Lots of bang-bang shoot-em-up entertainment. But I'm wondering about this year. I'm sure this is a hard show to do and write but it seems like they ran out of steam. If you watch and follow along, America has been saved from terrorists and suitcase nukes. Jack has almost singlehandedly killed off the baddies and not lost any limbs yet. Although there has been the almost obligatory amputation. It would have been hard to stretch out the hunt for the nukes for 6 more episodes/hours. But to take the twist and have Jack start on basically a brand new direction - OK it is his former love interest and he does have the circuit boards that in theory might still arm a bomb - assuming someone has another floating around somewhere. But unless the writerss start connecting lots of dots soon...

Where did Jean Smart go? Her weasel husband Logan? He was actually starting to become a real person then she stabs him. When is Jack's daughter going to turn up? She's overdue.

I told a co-worker several weeks ago that Jack would probably be looking for Audrey next year or on the next day or whatever 24 time really is. I guess they just got there early.

I have no doubt Jack will rescue Audrey, manage to keep the nuclear secrets out of the hands of the Chinese and live happily ever-after.

I'm also tired of the on-again, off-again thing in the White House between Wayne Palmer - who while a decent character has never been presidential and Powers Boothe who is much better as the bad veep. But they needed someone else in the Pres. role. More gravitas or something.

And poor Christy McNichol's brother just can't decide if he wants to be a bad guy with a conscience or a wimpy, weasily good guy. He needs to take the tape, copy it and put it someplace safe OUTSIDE the White House. You just know the Veep will confiscate it and we'll have to wait and see if a copy was made.

Stay tuned.

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