Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How can they think that?

I am not smart enough to enter the argument against evolution. I know what I believe but am not a particularly good apologist.

So I won’t begin to debate in this lowly place whether we descended from amoebas, apes or Adam. (I love it when you can get three things together like that!)

Without sounding heretical, let’s just assume for sake of this post, that you do believe in evolution. You accept the scientific theories as fact that somewhere in our past, lie our genetic ancestors who may or may not have walked on two legs and had opposable thumbs. Just assume that and not worry about who your great-great-great-grandparent to the 100th power might have been. Just assume it was not someone who looked like you or me.

Along with this theory you now accept as truth, usually comes a disdain for any sort of belief in a Creator or intelligent being that put all this thing we call our universe, in place.

This belief or lack thereof may actually come in reverse; i.e. you choose not to believe in any sort of God with a capital “G” and then what follows is usually acceptance of other theories etc. that have as an almost pre-requisite, a dis-belief in that sort of spiritual or religious thing.

Still with me?

But something troubles you. You accept evolution and the theories of the origin of species and how the earth and the universe came into being. You might accept or espouse the so-called “big bang” theory that some sort of cosmic explosion happened billions of uncountable billions of years ago and the earth and our neighbors, near and far, landed in this thing we call space. Again I won’t try to defend or explain the big bang and its corollaries.

But something still troubles you. Who started the big bang? Who lit the fuse? Who for that matter made the fuse to light?

I read something yesterday in someone else’s blog (and sorry I can’t give credit because I don’t recall where it came from) but it went like this: “We're on a planet that is spinning at 1000 mph around its axis and traveling 66,600 mph through space. We'll travel 1.3 million miles today in our annual trek around the sun."

Even if I could assume some of the aforementioned theories are plausible, I’d still be wondering who figured all this out? Who knew that the earth had to spin exactly 1000 mph? Who knew just how much speed would be needed to counteract the effect of the gravity put in place inside our planet?

I guess my long awaited point here is that if you can somehow get this far and not see that all the beauty and complexity we live amongst – regardless of how you feel we arrived at this point – and not wonder if there wasn’t/couldn’t be someone out there who thought all this up and put it in place – well then I don’t think I can help you.

But if you can accept that there is something out there bigger than all of us and it just might be called God, then we can work on that evolution thing later.

1 comment:

gillian said...

my friends and i argue about this one all the time. i'm not cemented in any one belief or another (except of course that God is up there somewhere)
but sometimes we wonder if God created evolution...
of course, he created the world, light, night, etc....
but we obviously don't live in the same world that was around a few thousand or million years ago or whenever the world started......
so the fact that animals and humans would have to adapt and change makes sense to me. hmm..
good blog!!