Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What was her name again?

OK I’ll admit that maybe for known and unknown reasons, Sarah Palin did not help McCain get elected and may have even hurt. But I still think this was not her fault but rather one of strategy and her handlers.

Now as Yogi might say we have “déjà vu all over again,” with the Caroline Kennedy goings-on in NY state.

Now I don’t equate the role of Senator from NY with that of the Vice Presidency but they are pretty darn close – just ask Hillary.

How is it that Ms. Kennedy, who by all accounts is bright, attractive, connected – how is it that she somehow feels qualified to become the Senator of NY? By appointment no less. First off because she probably could not get elected in her own right.

If her last name did not include Kennedy, would her interest in the slot have gotten her any attention what-so-ever?

So far the media does seem to be at least asking the questions.
But in the déjà vu thing, per the NY Times in a photo caption, her aides are not letting her answer questions. So she’s doing one massive rolling photo-op.

I guess some lessons have been learned. If you have a candidate (what do you call someone “interested” in a position – a person of interest? No wait they use that for suspects in crimes.) who doesn’t have the goods to answer tough questions, then simply don’t answer them.

OK this update just in - I guess she has finally answered some questions: again from the NY Times front page on the web: "Caroline Kennedy described her experience as an author, mother and education advocate when asked about her qualifications to be a senator."

I rest my case.

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