Saturday, April 11, 2009


Not like my last post, but gross as in versus net.

My daughter and I were eating at Cracker Barrel last night. Always great food but the gravy was rather tasteless. But let me tell you - put a pack of Splenda into a small bowl of grits, very yummy!

We were seated so that I faced the kitchen door and could see partly inside where everything was prepped. On a small whiteboard were written daily goals. These were dollar amounts for each meal and I can only assume that they represented the amount of food they hoped to sell. Since what I saw might be considered proprietary information; suffice it to say, I think Cracker Barrel must be doing very well in this sluggish economy. Add to those numbers what I'm sure they glean from their nifty retail operation, multiply that by the hundreds of franchises lining the interstates of America and I doubt Mr. Cracker and Mrs. Barrel are waiting for their bail out or stimulus checks. And we of course contributed our small part to their ongoing success.

1 comment:

Gillian said...

how come you never make grits?